AMNIS Víztechnológia


We mainly serve water technology comanies and offer them a wide choice in spare parts. Our high-quality components are both for domestic and industrial water technologies.

Our company posesses professional knowledge in the field of water cleaning solutions. Therefore our consultations are considered to be a significant advantage.

Find the solution you need at a competitive price with a short delivery time! Ask us for a quote!

Tanks HST fiberglass plastic tanks in all sizes
Salt tanks in various sizes and designs
Control heads Different types, up to ¾”-2”
Control electronics For controlling custom valves
Measurment instruments and controllers Flow meters, conductivity meters, pH regulators, analytics instruments
Membranes Reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration, microfiltration membranes
Membrane vessels Full size range
Pumps Various makes and sizes
Reverse osmosis control unit Complete low current control unit for reverse osmosis technology